
Plugin overview

This library uses unified. Therefore, you can use remark or rehype plugins.

And you can custom hast(Hypertext AST) to svelte component mapping.

Rendering flow

flowchart TD Markdown -- string --> remark-parse subgraph unified remark-parse -- mdast --> remarkPlugins remarkPlugins -- mdast --> remark-rehype remark-rehype -- hast --> rehypePlugins end rehypePlugins -- hast-component-mapping --> SvelteComponent

Plugin API

You can make a plugin with the following API.

import type { ComponentType, SvelteComponent } from 'svelte';
import type { Pluggable } from 'unified';
export type ComponentsMap = Record<string, ComponentType<SvelteComponent>>;
export type Plugin = {
	remarkPlugin?: Pluggable;
	rehypePlugin?: Pluggable;
	renderer?: ComponentsMap;

And you can set multiple plugins into plugins props.

<script lang="ts">
	import Markdown from 'svelte-exmarkdown';
	import type { Plugin } from 'svelte-exmarkdown';
	const plugins: Plugin[] = [];

<Markdown md="# Hello world" {plugins} />


The GFM plugin is in the library. It is implemented as follows.

import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm';
import type { Plugin } from '../types';
export const gfmPlugin: Plugin = { remarkPlugin: [remarkGfm] };