Plugin showcase (Shiki)
If you want to highlight code with Shiki, you can do it like this:
<script lang="ts">
import type { Plugin } from 'svelte-exmarkdown';
import Markdown from 'svelte-exmarkdown';
import rehypeShikiFromHighlighter from '@shikijs/rehype/core';
import { createOnigurumaEngine } from 'shiki';
import { createHighlighterCore } from 'shiki/core';
import onigurumaWasmUrl from 'shiki/onig.wasm?url';
let md = $state("```typescript\nconsole.log('Hello, world!');\n```");
const otherPlugins: Plugin[] = [
// some plugins...
const shikiPluginPromise = createHighlighterCore({
themes: [import('shiki/themes/vitesse-light.mjs')],
langs: [import('shiki/langs/typescript.mjs')],
engine: createOnigurumaEngine(fetch(onigurumaWasmUrl))
}).then((highlighter): Plugin => {
return {
rehypePlugin: [
{ theme: 'vitesse-light' }
<textarea bind:value={md}></textarea>
{#await shikiPluginPromise}
<Markdown {md} plugins={otherPlugins} />
{:then shikiPlugin}
<Markdown {md} plugins={[shikiPlugin, ...otherPlugins]} />
<Markdown {md} plugins={otherPlugins} />
console.log('Hello, world!');
Or you can use Shiki without asynchrony:
<script lang="ts">
import type { Plugin } from 'svelte-exmarkdown';
import Markdown from 'svelte-exmarkdown';
import rehypeShikiFromHighlighter from '@shikijs/rehype/core';
import { createHighlighterCoreSync } from 'shiki/core';
import { createJavaScriptRegexEngine } from 'shiki/engine/javascript';
import ts from 'shiki/langs/typescript.mjs';
import github from 'shiki/themes/github-light.mjs';
let md = $state("```typescript\nconsole.log('Hello, world!');\n```");
const shikiPlugin = {
rehypePlugin: [
themes: [github],
langs: [ts],
engine: createJavaScriptRegexEngine()
{ theme: 'github-light' }
} satisfies Plugin;
const plugins: Plugin[] = [shikiPlugin];
<textarea bind:value={md}></textarea>
<Markdown {md} {plugins} />
console.log('Hello, world!');